Does your company rely on Telegram Messenger to complete certain processes? If you’re familiar with it, your team probably uses this cloud-based messaging application to send and receive messages, videos, photos, and files, alongside creating chats, live streams, and calls. Because of this, the app is ideal for business meetings, team communication, and more, but did you know it just got a little bit safer?

The Problem With the Original Blue Checkmark

Telegram is for more than messaging. It doubles as a social media platform that connects people worldwide through live streams, common-interest channels, and more. Users can also contact and work with public figures, celebrities, and well-known organizations, and that’s where the problem begins. 

Until recently, Telegram (like X) used a blue checkmark to verify user accounts. This mark means the platform has identified and confirmed that the channel or person is who they claim to be. While these users submitted documents to separate them from impersonators, account misuse remains prevalent.

That’s because fake investment channels and phishing schemes allow attackers to gain a checkmark under pretenses. In turn, cyberbullying, the spreading of malware, and the stealing of credentials and other personal information have become massive platform issues. 

Telegram’s New Third-Party Verification

The messaging platform implemented an additional verification system to remedy this issue. This third-party verification, which comes from a decentralized system, increases the safety standard. 

That means large, verified organizations must already have the blue checkmark. They can then have educational consortiums, food-quality regulators, and others verify sector entities. 

Once they undergo this additional verification, they’ll receive logos or stickers that reflect their business. For instance, a chef or fast-food restaurant will receive a carrot next to their name. These organizations can also use bots like Telegram’s Bot API to manage this verification process. 

The channel will also include a note explaining to those who contact it what organization verified the account and by what standards. 

Other New Telegram Updates

This safety feature is the most recognized update, thanks to its ability to improve online security. However, it’s far from the only update Telegram offers the public. 

Advanced Search 

An additional feature now available is the advanced search filter. It helps users find keywords or messages in certain chats, channels, or groups. They can go to the “Chats” tab for additional filters to refine the search further. 

QR Code Scanners

Another feature is the QR code scanner, which saves users time by encouraging speedier channel subscriptions. The in-app scanner allows iPhone users to swipe right to access the camera. In contrast, Android users must click the camera icon in the bottom right corner. 


Finally, you can convert digital gifts to NFTs (non-fungible tokens). This process transforms your gifts into unique digital assets so you have proof of ownership. It also allows encryption from unauthorized usage, and the token remains on a blockchain, so it doesn’t take up cloud storage. 

Consider updating to the latest version of Telegram. Your company can start reaping the benefits today!

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